Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A little bit of relief...

We received a call from Savannah's pediatrician today. She had the results from the chromosomal/genetic testing that was done while Savannah was still in the NICU. The tests came back completely negative!!! This means that she does not have any of the diseases or syndromes often associated with PRS. It appears Savannah has a isolated case with an unknown exact cause. This is good news for Savannah's future. She shouldn't have any other related problems and hopefully her small lower jaw will experience "catch up" growth. It may take her jaw a few years to reach a normal size but she shouldn't need the jaw distraction surgery to lengthen her jaw. This is good news and hopefully will eliminate the need for one of her future surgeries!


  1. Such wonderful news. Made my day!! I am so thankful for all of the great docs that have/will help Savannah on her journey. And a HUGE, warm hug to mom and dad from the Weigels!

  2. Thank you! It was some much needed good news for us. I hope everything is going better your way!

  3. I had to come to the beginning and find out the whole story. I'm sure you would love her no matter what, but I am relieved that her "list" is pretty short.

    My older daughter was born with a very small chin. It's not something I've mentioned to anyone (even my husband), but I honestly wondered (let's be honest... I worried) how she would look when she got older. She's three now, and doesn't look anything like how I imagined her. She's beautiful, and her chin is pretty close to proportional (girlfriend had some massive cheeks and "three chins" when she was younger, but she's seeming to outgrow those, too). By the way, I started noticing a difference once Mad had several teeth... a few on the top and bottom.
