Saturday, November 17, 2012

First day of school!

About two weeks ago Savannah had another speech evaluation. They determined her receptive speech is on track for her age. Receptive meaning she understands what we are saying to her. Unfortunately, her expressive language skills were assessed at a six to nine month level. She still can't make "ba" or "da" sounds and she has very few 2 word phrases (my favorite is a sarcastic "oh, mommy!"). So we were offered two choices. Either she could have speech therapist come to our house and work one on one or attend classes with other children. We thought it would be a great experience for her to have time with other children in her age range. I also think she might learn from being around the other children too.

So this week she attended her first class. Her classes are now on Mondays and Wednesdays for 2 hours a day at a local elementary school. She is in a class with a total of eight students, all with varying degrees of mental and physical disabilities. I stayed with her for a few minutes on the playground and then took a quick tour of the classroom. The teacher offered to let me stay if would help Sav adjust to the first day. I was confident that she would do just fine and decided to leave.

I came back an hour and half later. I met with the teacher who told me Sav did great and didn't even care that I was gone! She did well with the other students and even enjoyed a snack while there. So now that she did great on her 1st day of class she is being rewarded with her first week long break for Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Eye Exam Day

We went back to children's hospital for Savannah's eye exam under general anesthesia today. I was able to walk her back for the first time ever and hold her while she was given the anesthesia. She started to cry as we entered the operating room but was out like a light just a few minutes later. I then made my way back to the waiting room while the doctor did the exam.

It only took about 10 minutes and we were able to meet with the doctor for the results. Bad news is Savannah's corneas are bigger than normal. They measured at 12mm when the average cornea is only 10mm. The good news is everything else is completely normal including the size of her entire eyeball. The concern with children that have large corneas is that it is often caused by excessive eye pressure (i.e. glaucoma/cataracts). Thankfully her eye pressure test came back normal. Whew! Bad news again- She may need to have regular eye exams under general anesthesia a couple times a year to monitor the pressure in her eyes. Good news- she has been recovering from the anesthesia quickly and really likes the post-op chocolate ice cream!

Sav after being given her dilating eye drops.

Enjoying the post-op chocolate ice cream!