Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bad Mommy!

Today was Savannah's six month well check. At least it was in the neighborhood of 6 months since it was originally scheduled for May 17th. The week before her surgery is scheduled. I didn't want her vaccinated just one week before her surgery (too much stress) but I also wanted her to be current since she could be exposed to a lot while in the hospital. The telephone clerks were adamant that there were no appointments any earlier. I asked to have a message sent to her doctor about the vaccinations. Not much later I got a call back. The doctor said it was far too long to wait for a baby with her "issues" and that we could be seen within the week!

   It's the diapered daredevil!

The appointment was going well. Savannah is currently at progressing at a nine month level. She can crawl and pull herself up to stand. We were concerned though that she had recently started waking up in the middle of the night (very unusual), started to refuse feedings, and was generally fussy the last few days. I thought she was either teething or having some reflux flare-ups. We discussed the options for upping her current reflux meds and also agreed that it could be teething. Until we got to her ears... The doctor took one very quick look and replied she has an ear infection! Then looked into the other ear and confirmed that Savannah not only has her first ear infection but that she has a double infection. I feel so bad. I had no clue that my baby had an ear infection! For some reason I though if she had an infection she would also have a fever and be tugging at her ears. Boy, was I wrong!

 It was a tough day for Savannah, being both vaccinated and having an ear infection. But we took a trip to the Wild Animal Park and she actually stayed awake long enough to see some ducks, pelicans, and a whole lot of butterflies! She watched in silent awe as hundreds of butterflies flew around her!

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