Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two weeks!

We had a recheck for Savannah's ear infection yesterday and her pre-op appointment today. Everything is happening so quickly now! At her recheck her ears looked good but one ear drum was still slightly bulging so her doctor prescribed one of the strongest pediatric antibiotics there is. She wanted to be sure that the ear infection was completely clear before Savannah's palate repair surgery in two weeks from today.

Savannah loves her puppy!

At the pre-op appointment we met with the surgeon who described the procedure as "trying to sew two pieces of wet toilet paper together". Thanks that doesn't add to the stress level at all! We talked about what time to get to the hospital, how long surgery would take, the recovery time, and how we will feed afterward. As long as she remains healthy for the next two weeks... (crossing fingers, knocking on wood) we will check into Rady Children's Hospital at 10:30am with surgery scheduled for 12:30pm. The surgery will take approximately two hours. She will stay in the hospital until she starts taking her bottle again. That could be the same day or maybe a day or two depending on how she feels. The worst part of the healing process should be over in about two to three weeks.

 Yes, she is chewing on her sock!

If she is congested at all they will postpone the surgery. The palate repair will close off one of the ways she is currently breathing and her smaller chin can also cause breathing problems. For after surgery we were already given arm restraints. It is going to be a tough few weeks since she is a thumb sucker and loves to put EVERYTHING in her mouth!