Monday, April 11, 2011

Surgery Scheduled

Savannah's surgery has officially been scheduled. As long as she is healthy and does not get another cold, her surgery is scheduled for May 24th. I wasn't really stressed about it before. Maybe because it seemed so far away and I tried to live in the moment and not give much thought to it. Now that I spoke to the scheduler and booked the date, it became a little overwhelming to be honest. It is going to happen very soon and there is nothing stopping it. My baby has to have surgery. Thankfully I have a good support system both with family, friends and an online chat group for cleft babies. One lady said tonight "remember you are doing it for your babies, not to them". It is so true and it helped a lot.

Most likely she will be undergoing two procedures. She will have her palate repaired and will probably have ear tubes placed at the same time. The reason I say most likely? Our ENT appointment is not until May 17th. They will be seeing her for the first time and deciding on surgery just one week before it is scheduled! Thankfully they are keeping the date reserved in case they approve the ear tube surgery. In the meantime Brian and I will be taking a lot of Airborne/Zicam and making sure Savannah does not go around anyone sick if we can help it!

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful!

    I found you through the Baby Center CLCP group. My Evelyn is 7 months, and has a soft palate issue. I notice people with blogs since I have one too!

    I look forward to reading along and hearing how the surgery goes.
