Sunday, October 2, 2011

1 year old!!!

It's hard to believe that Savannah is one year old already! The year has absolutely flown by. The first seven months were a struggle at times and extremely stressful but the last 5 months have been a blast! Since her palate repair surgery Savannah has absolutely flourished.

She has mastered crawling, stair climbing, and even couch climbing. She eats like she has waited all her life. We have yet to find anything won't eat (including a taste of fried pickles at the fair). She eats like a champ and has started to get a little chub on her legs! Withing the last couple of weeks Savannah has even started walking. It just a few steps here and there but she is off to a great start. She also babbles a lot, although we have only heard her say "mama" consistently. She is also very good at waving hello and clapping her hands which is always accompanied by a big toothy grin.She now has seven teeth and has decided that a great way to use them to sneak up on Mom and Dad and take a big bite of their unsuspecting toes! She loves to hear us shriek in surprise.

Mmmm! Spagetti!

At one year Savannah remains reflux free. She has been completely off Prilosec for a couple of months now and has no relapses. It is so nice not to have to time feedings around the medication. It has really sped up the morning routine. Next month we will meet with her plastic surgeon, her pediatrician, the ENT, the opthalmologist, and the geneticist. They are all follow up appointments and we don't expect anything new to be brought up.

 We celebrated her birthday yesterday by going to Julian (a small rural town about an hour away that is known for their apples). We visited the local apple days festival and picked some apples in a nearby orchard. Later in the evening we had dinner with close family. It was a fun day and just the beginning of her birthday weekend. Still ahead- a beach trip, Sea World, and a photo shoot at a nearby park. 


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