Monday, December 17, 2012

Blood draw time

Savannah's insurance finally approved our request for genetic testing, so today we headed to Children's hospital for the much dreaded blood draw. As we arrived we checked in at the front desk staffed by volunteers. They let Savannah pick out a beanie baby as a gift and after reviewing the selection she picked out a cute little cat. Then we headed to the lab were we given a pager and a forty minute wait time. Since we were all hungry we headed to the McDonalds in the lobby and had a snack while we waited. As soon as we had finished eating the pager went off and we went back to the lab.

We met with our phlebotomist (blood tech) who escorted us back to a quiet room with hysterically screaming children right outside the door! Savannah was quiet as she watched the woman gather the needed supplies. Then I held Savannah while the tech drew the blood. Savannah just quietly watched while the blood was being drawn. Not even a peep or whimper. She was such an amazing, brave little girl. I was in awe. It was so different than any other blood draw so far!

 On the way out we had to stop by the volunteer greeters desk again to get our parking stub validated. The volunteer then insisted that Savannah take another stuffed teddy bear as a present. It was really sweet and Sav was thrilled to have the new toys. Overall it was the best trip to Children's hospital that we have ever had!!!

Hopefully in a couple weeks we will get the results back. Today's testing will be looking for Stickler and Marshall Syndromes. Stay Tuned!


  1. Have you received any results from the genetic testing? My four month old had testing for Stickler/Marshall syndrome done, the first one came back negative and the second came back positive. Regardless of the results, Savannah is a beautiful vibrant little girl.

  2. Yes, We received the results they all came back negative. The geneticist now only believes she has sticklers syndrome because of the spacing of her eyes and the PRS, no other links so far. Thanks for the compliments she is a little firecracker!
