Friday, May 9, 2014

Still Healing

Savannah is still doing well. She is still over emotional at times but seems to be doing well with the pain. We have been trying to keep her busy and have been going to the zoo every few days. Last weekend we went to the Wild Animal Park (aka Safari Park) so I could run a half marathon that I signed up for last year. Savannah and Daddy took a shuttle to the finish line inside the park. There they got to see animals and walk around while I was on the course.

The first and the worst of the hills.

I haven't been training so I was really slow this time. A little over three hours later I crossed the finish line. I was so confused when I was handed a laminated card on a lanyard with a photo of the medal. After all that running they had ran out of medals! Mine will be mailed to me in a couple of weeks. At least I finished this tough course complete with big hills. Afterwards we went and fed the lorikeets and petted the goats. Shortly after Savannah fell asleep and we headed home for naps. It was a good day and I am happy I decided to do it (I wasn't going to and changed my mind the night before!).

My "medal"
Feeding the Lorikeets after the half marathon.
Today we went to the zoo again and later this week we plan to spend some time at the beach since the weather is predicted to be 100+ degrees this week. Our plan of distracting her has been working well. We also plan to start speech therapy again in 2 weeks. I think Savannah will be happy to go back to classes again.
Required goat petting for today's zoo visit.
Nap time with a friend.
A fire in the riverbed near our home last week.

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