Thursday, November 18, 2010

Words of wisdom

Thanks to Dr Seuss!

"...When you think things are bad,
when you feel sour and blue,
when you start to get mad...
you should do what I do!

Just tell yourself, Duckie,
you're really quite lucky!
Some people are much more...
oh, ever so much more...
oh, muchly much-much more
unlucky than you!

...It's a troublesome world. All the people who're in it
are troubled with troubles almost every minute.
You ought to be thankful, a whole heaping lot,
for the places and people you're lucky you're not!"


  1. So true, what a nice way to look at things. How's her eating going? I hope she is packing on the lbs!

  2. :( I wish it was better. We are averaging about an ounce a week weight gain. Unfortunately both her pediatrician and her cleft nurse are out of town right now. When they come back I want to discuss adding powdered formula to her milk to add calories. The rice cereal adds calories but it is filling her up with half the amount as before and she sleeps too long between feedings. Never thought I would complain about her sleeping too much! I still can't wait until she decides to sleep on her own someday!

  3. Hang in there! Keep giving her the good stuff, milk and love, and she'll do just fine :) Try formula and see if she eats more. Maybe the new taste will keep her interested, switch between your milk and formula to add interest. (Of course I am no expert or doctor!) We had to supplement with formula to help get rid of Bryn's jaundice. Hang in there, you are all in our thoughts!!
